July 2015, Vol. 70, No. 7
New Products
GMP Lead Sheath Cable Tools Maximize Cable Installation
General Machine Products Co. Inc. (GMP), Trevose, PA, has introduced new items to its line of Lead Sheath Cable Installation and Maintenance Tools.
These tools are specifically designed to increase efficiency, reduce installation and maintenance time, maximize cable protection against moisture ingress and improve mechanical strength in underground applications.
Lead sheath is ideal for use where water penetration is detrimental to insulation integrity, providing anti-corrosive properties and moisture resistance. The tool also offers mechanical strength to help it resist the natural stresses of underground forces.
Key tools include:
• Compound Kettle – This heavy duty device consists of a double jacketed 5-quart kettle for melting compounds.
• Solder Ladle – A thermal handle shield isolates heat inside the cup from your hand, and keeps your thumb from slipping.
• MAPP Gas Torch Kit – For utility heat shrinking and soldering operations, nothing beats MAPP industrial fuel gas.
• Four-panel Windshield – Perfect for keeping wind away from lead sheath cable installation work materials, this shield features a welded steel grate and supporting brackets, providing broad support for large solder melting pots and kettles.
• Solder Melting Pot – Manufactured in 6-inch (48 fluid ounce/20-pound cap.) and 8-inch (72 fluid ounce/30-pound cap) diameter sizes from high-grade gray cast iron, these pots are designed to hold their heat.
215.357.5500, www.GMPtools.com