Two workers rescued after hours trapped in Mich. trench collapse

According to CBS News, two construction workers in Wyandotte, Mich., were rescued Tuesday evening after being trapped for nearly four hours in a collapsed trench.

Wyandotte Fire Chief Jeremy Moline told authorities that one of the workers was transported to a hospital but was in stable condition, while the other was evaluated at the scene and released. Moline said the men were working on plumbing, and were excavating a hole about 15 feet deep when the trench collapsed. Fire Chief Moline said they are currently investigating what safety precautions were in place at the time of the incident.

He credits the rescue as a joint effort with multiple crews from Wayne and Washtenaw counties' Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams. The ground proved to be a challenge during the rescue due to wet soil, Moline said.

Moline said Wyandotte, as well as the Western Wayne County USAR, will do an after-action report and submit the findings to the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration. That investigation will include identifying what their responding teams could have done better and any issues that contributed to the collapse.


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