Pennsylvania American Water begins $2 million, 3,200-foot sewer upgrade in Scranton, Dunmore

(UI) — Pennsylvania American Water has started a $2 million sewer line upgrade in Scranton and Dunmore, replacing more than 3,200 feet of sewer pipe. The project began last month and aims to improve the local wastewater collection system.

Construction is taking place on the following streets:


  • Diamond Ave. (Foster St. to Court St.)
  • Pittston Ave. (Birch St. to Willow St.)
  • Pittston Ave. (O’Hara St. to Ripple St.)


  • Woodlawn Ave. (Jefferson Ave. to Gillet Lane)

Final paving and restoration are expected by the end of the year.

Pennsylvania American Water says the project is an investment in public health, safety, and the local economy. Studies estimate that every $1 million spent on water infrastructure supports about 15 jobs. In 2024, the company invested $675 million in water and wastewater improvements statewide, supporting more than 10,125 jobs.

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