
Inside Infrastructure: After Surprising Election, Chaotic Start, 118th Congress Begins Its Work

(UI) — Comprehensive reforms to the permitting process for energy projects remains a priority for any entity interested in initiating projects to improve America’s dilapidated underground infrastructure. This has become a bipartisan issue after a $1.2-trillion-dollar infrastructure bill was enacted and getting projects off the ground was in the best interest of the White House and every lawmaker who voted for the IIJA.

Scottsdale weighs sharing water again with nearby community

Scottsdale will consider a joint plan with Maricopa County that would supply water again to a community that had its access cut off. The Scottsdale City Council is scheduled to meet Feb. 21 about a potential new agreement to re-open a supply of water for nearby unincorporated Rio Verde Foothills.

Vermont’s wastewater infrastructure deemed “poor” by engineering group

(UI) — The Vermont section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released the 2023 Report Card for Vermont’s Infrastructure on Feb. 16, in which the state’s wastewater infrastructure received a grade of “D+.” Likewise, Vermont's drinking water and stormwater infrastructure received “C” scores. According to the report, a C is considered “mediocre,” while a D is “poor.”

West Virginia drinking water still clear of derailment toxin

West Virginia officials have reiterated that the state's drinking water remains safe following an Ohio train derailment that led to a toxic plume of chemicals being released. Chemicals that leaked from the derailment are being monitored as they move down the Ohio River, but they are not affecting the supply of drinking water, officials said during a briefing Thursday.

Former Maui official gets 10 years for taking $2 million in wastewater contract bribes

A former Maui County official was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years in prison for accepting $2 million in bribes from a Honolulu businessman in one of the biggest bribery cases in Hawaii history. Milton Choy, the owner of a Honolulu company that provides wastewater services and supplies, was accused of bribing Stewart Olani Stant, who was a wastewater manager and then director of the Maui County Department of Environmental Management.

Editor’s Log: Stampede

(UI) — The President Biden Administration’s narrative has been to mercilessly shun, blame and attack “big-oil” companies, gas companies and any pipeline ever built as the root of environmental evil. The President has used his bully pulpit to supplement his unending rules and regulations against oil and gas, as the way to achieve the “carbon-free” goal of his zealous backers.

West Virginia regulators deny 12% electric utility rate increase request

West Virginia regulators have denied a request by Appalachian Power and Wheeling Power that would have added $18.41 to the average monthly residential electric bill.

Interior: $580 million headed to 15 tribes to fulfill water rights

Fifteen Native American tribes will get a total of $580 million in federal money to pay for pipelines, pumping stations, and canals to help deliver water to the tribe's reservations.

Texas lawmakers to push water infrastructure upgrades to forefront of legislative agenda

(UI) — For the upcoming fiscal year, Texas is anticipated to have a record surplus. Now, a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers is hoping to direct some of that money toward much-needed renovations to the state's water infrastructure.

Updated ASCE manhole guidelines focus on inspection, rehabilitation methods

(UI) — ASCE’s Manual of Practice, Manhole Inspection and Rehabilitation, Third Edition, MOP 92, provides a valuable update to reflect current and complete inspection, as well as grading protocol that offers logical step-by-step guidance for maintaining and improving the longevity of manhole systems.

North Dakota landowners battle over 2,000-mile underground pipeline project

North Dakota landowners testified for and against a carbon capture company’s use of eminent domain Friday, as Summit Carbon Solutions moves forward in constructing a massive underground system of carbon dioxide pipelines spanning 2,000 miles across several states and under hundreds of people’s homes and farms in the Midwest.

Arizona judge won’t compel Scottsdale to share water

An Arizona judge says she won’t compel Scottsdale to resume an arrangement that allowed residents of a neighboring community to get their water from a city standpipe, saying the flap isn’t the court’s concern.

Pennsylvania passes ‘forever chemicals’ drinking water limit

Pennsylvania has enacted a statewide drinking water limit on two forms of highly toxic chemicals, nicknamed “forever chemicals.” The rule applies to all 3,117 water systems, the Department of Environmental Protection said.

Wyoming’s water infrastructure rated “mediocre” by engineering group

(UI) — The Wyoming section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released the first Report Card for Wyoming’s Infrastructure on Tuesday, with the state’s drinking water and wastewater infrastructure receiving a grade of “C” and “D+”. According to the report, a C is considered “mediocre” while a D is “poor.”

DOJ appointee releases new plan for 'tenuous' Jackson water

The interim manager appointed by the U.S. Department of Justice to reform the troubled water system in Mississippi's capital city released a new financial plan Friday to change the way Jackson bills for water and spend hundreds of millions of federal relief funds paying down the system's debt.

Federal money driving Jackson water bill, DOJ appointee says

A bill before the Mississippi Legislature that would transfer the capital city’s troubled water system to a new regional entity could be motivated by a desire by state officials to access a large pot of federal dollars earmarked for the city, Jackson’s federally appointed water operator said Wednesday.

Water system in Mississippi’s Capital could get new owners

Jackson’s troubled water system could get a new set of owners under legislation advanced Tuesday by Republican lawmakers in Mississippi. The bill would transfer ownership to a new public entity overseen by a nine-member board, the majority of which would be appointed by state leaders.

Residents in Scottsdale, Ariz., file lawsuit against city for disrupting water supply

(UI) — After being cut off from its municipal water supply due to severe drought conditions and falling Colorado River water levels, a suburb of Arizona has filed a lawsuit against Scottsdale. Residents of the unincorporated hamlet of Rio Verde Foothills filed a lawsuit against Scottsdale earlier this month in Maricopa County Superior Court, requesting an order to compel the city to resume water services.

Washington Watch: EPA Ups Ante on Pipeline Methane Emissions

(UI) — The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has once again proposed to tighten the vise on interstate pipeline methane emissions. Its supplemental Clean Air regulatory proposal, in November this year, doubles down on a never-finalized recommended rule issued in November 2021, which the transmission industry slammed for unrealistic emission controls.

Even Mississippi lawmaker feels strain of Jackson water woes

In Mississippi's capital city, where intermittent periods without running water have become a fact of life for residents, a new disruption to the long-troubled water system persists just days before lawmakers are set to arrive for the state's 2023 legislative session.

Massachusetts fines city for illegal sewage discharge into Lake Quinsigamond

(UC) — The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the city of Worcester have reached a settlement following the unauthorized discharge of approximately six million gallons of untreated wastewater to Lake Quinsigamond that occurred in February 2022. The city must pay a $13,000 penalty to the state.

PODS releases new data model, standard with ILI module for pipeline operators

(UC) — The Pipeline Open Data Standard (PODS) data model provides the database architecture pipeline operators need to submit regulatory reports, store critical information, analyze pipeline systems data, and manage geospatial data in a linear-referenced database which can be visualized in any GIS platform.

Washington Watch: FERC Rejects Environmental Concerns About Gas Pipeline Projects

(UC) — The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) continues to dispatch environmental objections to pipeline projects. Even Chairman Richard Glick, who had originally made reducing greenhouse gas emissions his guiding light, is turning a deaf ear.

Water lobbyists urge Biden administration to loosen ‘Buy America’ law requirements

(UC) — Water advocacy groups are seeking an exception from the "Buy America" criteria for project developers, arguing that the rules hinder the sector from creating projects meant to combat climate change, provide safe drinking water, handle sewage, and safeguard the public.

'Unacceptable': EPA head says of West Virginia water issues

Barton and other residents of southern West Virginia's McDowell County shared their stories of the challenges of living without access to safe drinking water and wastewater with the head of the Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday.

Regulators limit fracking waste in Delaware River watershed

A regulatory agency responsible for the water supply of more than 13 million people in four Northeastern states moved Wednesday to ban gas drillers from dumping fracking wastewater in the Delaware River watershed and to make it difficult for them to take fresh water out.

Judge OKs federal intervention in struggling water system

The U.S. Justice Department has won a federal judge's approval to carry out a rare intervention to improve the precarious water system in Mississippi's capital city, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Wednesday, months after the system's partial failure.

Environmentalists fight huge utility's long-term contracts

Distributors for the nation's largest public utility signed onto what amounted to "never-ending" contracts that unfairly tied them to power generated by the Tennessee Valley Authority, a lawyer argued Thursday as she represents environmental groups in a lawsuit.

Denver gets EPA approval for $700 million lead water pipe removal plan

The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday approved a nearly $700 million plan to remove all lead water pipes in the Denver region, saying the local water utility's approach for reducing lead levels is succeeding and making swift progress. It's a recognition that cities can effectively address the lead pipe crisis if they try.

Gas driller pleads no contest to polluting town’s water

Pennsylvania’s most active gas driller pleaded no contest Tuesday to criminal charges, capping a landmark environmental case against a company that prosecutors say polluted a rural community’s drinking water 14 years ago and then tried to evade responsibility.